Partner Institution Responsibilites
Partnering Institutions must:
Complete an Annual Slot application requesting slots only for their Campus or Program
Hire or specify an institution employee(s) to act as Campus Coordinator.
At such time that a new Campus Coordinator needs to be hired, the roles and responsibilities associated with AmeriCorps must to be transparent during the interview process.
Pay the salaries or wages of said employee(s).
Provide the office space, materials, supplies.
Pay a portion of the Living Stipend Cost-Share
Consider expansion and support of the program at the Higher Education Institution where appropriate.
Maintain the record of students who participate in the fellowship and graduate from the institution within 5 years.
Fulfill additional obligations of the MOU.
Living Stipend
The 2024 Legislation enacting the One Utah Service Fellowship requires the minimum of a $5/hour match to the state’s appropriated stipend amount for a total minimum of $10/hour. This amount can be supplemented by other funding, but priority will be given to qualified partners (or their host-sites) based on the amount of matching funds proposed (2024, SB206, lines 215-219 and 237-239). For more information please contact the OUSF Program Director.
Campus/Program Coordinator
Coordinators play a key role in ensuring the success of OUSF Fellows. Many of our Coordinators take on the role of managing Members in addition to existing responsibilities at their institution. OUSF is grateful for the hard work our Coordinators accomplish and their dedication to promoting community engagement and national service in higher education.
Coordinators recruit AmeriCorps members, process AmeriCorps enrollments, monitor AmeriCorps members’ service term, and work with AmeriCorps members to successfully exit them from the program so they can receive their Education Award.
Recruit, select, place, and manage AmeriCorps members in accordance to state and federal regulations governing AmeriCorps and the Fellowship Program including completion of the National Sex Offender Public Registry Checks and I-9 paperwork.
Will fill the slots granted to them.
Develop partnerships with local organizations that might utilize OUSF Fellows which may have specific education requirements to provide much needed services that otherwise would be unmet due to the lack of necessary human resources and meet the Service Site Requirements.
Participate in the Coordinator Orientation and periodic Program Management Trainings, conference calls, or other OUSF training activities.
Maintain such records and accounts, and make such reports and investigations concerning matters involving Fellows may require. The Institution and Program agrees to retain such records as the One Utah Service Fellowship may require and provide them at the Program’s request.
Be responsible for contacting and arranging appointments with sites and members during annual site visits.
Arrange for OUSF Staff provide orientation for all incoming AmeriCorps members before their service begins. Arrangements must be made at least one month prior to orientation for program-specific orientations. Coordinators must attend at least one orientation.
Ensure participants are given an AmeriCorps/Fellowship attire during the enrollment process, ensuring these items are worn while the fellow is in service.
Ensure that an AmeriCorps poster is displayed at all service locations associated with the campus.
Ensure that members are identified, either verbally or in writing and through the wearing of AmeriCorps items, as OUSF AmeriCorps members when interviewed or filmed by the media, as well as in university press releases, social media accounts, and websites.
Operate the project in accordance with the provisions of the Serve America Act of 2009, applicable program policies and regulations, and other federal laws, regulations, and policies which are, or become, applicable to the program.
Make every reasonable effort to ensure that the health and safety of AmeriCorps members are protected during the performance of their assigned duties. The Subgrantee shall not assign or require AmeriCorps members to perform duties which would jeopardize their safety or cause them to sustain injuries.
Upon such time as One Utah Service Fellowship is audited and files are found to be out of compliance and a fine is imposed, the Institution will be accountable to repay these funds to the Program.
Upload all documents as required by the Utah Commission on Service and Volunteerism and OUSF into IPT.
After a member has been successfully exited, direct all member questions concerning the Education Award either to the institution’s department that handles the processing of Education Awards or to the AmeriCorps Service Hotline - 1-800-942-2677.
Provide each member who successfully exits the AmeriCorps Program with guidance for obtaining an AmeriCorps certificate of completion, downloaded from their portal.
Make available an Education Award FAQ sheet available for members to use as a reference throughout their term.