OUSF AmeriCorps Start Here
One Utah Service Fellowship Start Here
Onboarding must be completed ASAP. You will be unable to participate in the One Utah Service Fellowship if you fail to complete these tasks.
Part 1 - Fingerprinting and Background Checks
In the form you just completed, you verified the date and time you are planning to be fingerprinted. If you are unable to attend your appointment or have not received confirmation with the livescan sheet you will need to take with you, please email us at fellowship@oneutahservice.org.
Part 2 - Service Term Accounts
You should receive access to your accounts and enrollment forms, within 3 business days.
When you gain access to your Fellowship Accounts (www.runipt.com and my.americorps.gov), complete the forms that will be available.
___Sign your the first enrollment forms in IPT. (IPT will send you an automated email with a temporary login. For Organization ID, use: ucovac)
1. New Fellows Application
2. EEV (Enrollment Eligibility Verification)
___ Download your Service Term Position Description if you have not received it from your OUSF Coordinator; Click Here for Access
___ Meet with your OUSF Coordinator; Bring Completed Position Description so your coordinator can complete the first portion of your Member Service Agreement (MSA).
___Once your position description has been uploaded, review thoroughly then sign your Member Service Agreement (MSA) in IPT.
Part 3 - Payroll Set-up
Unless otherwise notified, your living allowance will be paid through Utah State University Payroll System. You will receive email and texts from USU with your A-number directing you to a unique link to complete required information the demographic information and self-disclosure form.
Once the above steps are complete, you will receive email and texts from USU with your A-Number (a USU ID number) directing you to a unique link to complete required information. You will also need to complete a self-disclosure form at https://usu.service-now.com/aggies?id=self_disclosure.
Complete these forms as soon as possible to avoid delays in your first payment!
You will need to set up a password and Microsoft’s two-factor authentication (TFA) for access to USU systems.
For assistance with password and TFA, visit https://it.usu.edu/service-desk
Your electronic pay stubs and tax forms will be available through this system banner.usu.edu
You will also be assigned a USU email. This is where your official USU communications will go. You should plan to check it periodically to avoid missing important messages.
2. During part 3 of the onboarding process, you should be contacted about completing I-9 identification. Please make sure you bring original documents from the linked list to this meeting!
3.Download, complete, and then upload W-4, Direct Deposit, and photo release forms, then at the top right of this page, then upload them through the submission portal to the right.
Don’t forget to include your SSN #, signature, and date when submitting these forms.
Upload these forms through our secure portal to protect your personal information!
Please Note:
You cannot be fully enrolled in your term of service or count hours until we have verified your enrollment. Please make sure you have completed the following at least three days before your prospective start date.
If you have questions about the enrollment process, please contact your OUSF Coordinator first.