Member Assistance Program
Free to you and your household!
As an AmeriCorps member in our program, you have access to the ASC AmeriCorps Member Assistance Program (MAP).
The Member Assistance Program provides free, confidential, 24/7, unlimited, telephonic counseling services.
To access counseling or support on any topic, call the toll-free number: 1-800-451-1834. Take a moment now to program this number into your phone. Counseling is available in up to 140 languages through AT&T translation services.
To access services, call the toll-free number, state you are an AmeriCorps member, and provide the name of our organization/AmeriCorps program.
You will be connected with a professional, licensed counselor with AllOne Health. In-the-moment support is provided for topics such as substance abuse, stress, depression, anxiety, grief counseling, and many other areas. Whatever the question or challenge, please do not hesitate to call any time of day. You may also be provided information or referrals for in-person counseling, childcare, housing, and other local information that may be useful to you.
To download the app:
Getting started is easy! Visit the My Life Expert website or download the mobile app by scanning this QR code with your device:
Once at the log in page:
1. Log in on both your desktop and mobile device.
2. Click “Create a new account with your company code” on the right-hand side of the page.
3. Use your organization’s access code to get started.
a. Your company access code: americorps
4. Follow instructions in the activation e-mail.
5. Once in, look around, play, and get comfortable with the software.
6. Reference the attached to answer some of the questions you may have as you are learning to use My Life Expert:
a. LifeExpert PowerPoint — learn about all the amazing features life expert has to offer, including contact info and an easy-download QR code for the mobile app
b. Life Expert Flyer — a personalized flyer promoting My Life Expert including your company’s access code (to be distributed to all members)