Site supervisors support AmeriCorps members serving at their non-profit or government agency from the beginning of their enrollment to the end of their term by doing the following:

  • Site supervisors ensure that the service activities completed by the member align with those described in the member’s Position Description, and that these activities do not fall under the list of prohibited activities listed under the “Current Member” tab.

  • They provide oversight for these activities by reviewing and approving the member’s time sheets (the Service Hour Record Form) each month.

  • They asses the impact of the member’s service by completing an assessment at the beginning and end of the member’s term.

  • They support the member in recruiting and managing volunteers in order for the member to complete their Volunteer Mobilization Project.

Site Supervisors must be able to ensure the following:

  1. I understand that as site supervisor, I will be responsible to complete a brief assessment on the impact of AmeriCorps members for each member, once a year.

  2. I understand that as site supervisor, I cannot be related by blood or marriage to any other project staff or responsible Corporation program staff.

  3. I understand that members and their mobilized volunteers cannot duplicate, supplant, or displace any existing volunteers, staff, contracts or efforts at my organization.

  4. I understand the prohibited activities members cannot engage in while serving and will ensure they, or their mobilized volunteers, do not perform any prohibited activities while serving on AmeriCorps time.

  5. I will complete the Site Supervisor AmeriCorps Orientation within the same week the member begins their term of service.

  6. I will ensure that an AmeriCorps poster is displayed at my organization while a member serves at my organization. Utah Higher Education AmeriCorps Network will mail this to your site.

  7. I understand that until the site supervisor has received notification from UHEAN that an AmeriCorps Member has cleared the criminal history check, the member must be accompanied while serving vulnerable populations.

  8. I will allow members to vote, attend jury duty, and attend National Guard responsibilities while serving and understand that members can count this time as part of their AmeriCorps service.

  9. I understand that in partnering with Utah Higher Education AmeriCorps Network, I, or a designated representative (site supervisor) from my organization, will be responsible for verifying members’ Service Hour Record once a month within 5 business days of the previous month’s close.

As Site supervisors review the Service Hour Record Forms for their members each month they should consider the following:

  • Site supervisors must ensure that all hours are correct and accurate to the best of their knowledge.

  • Site supervisors must ensure that both member and site supervisor have not approved hours before they are actually served.

  • Site supervisors have the ability to clear signatures for Service Hour Record corrections.