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UHEAN Community Partners (or Service Sites) benefit in the following ways:

  • Direct support provided by Fellows over academic term;

  • Connections to higher education institutions in their community;

  • Access to training and networking opportunities provided by partner campuses and UServeUtah, the state Service Commission

UHEAN Community Partners (or Service Sites) should meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Non-profit or governmental organization;

  • Work in one of the 4 program Focus Areas: K-12 Education, K-16 College Preparation and Access, Healthcare, or Non-profit Capacity Building;

  • Ability to host at least two Fellows, and to provide all Fellows on site with effective training, mentoring and supervision to meet the goal of providing meaningful work experience.

UHEAN Community Partners (or Service sites) will have the following responsibilities:  

  • Collaborate with partner campus coordinators to place and train UHEAN College Fellows;

  • Ensure Fellows meet the 300,450, 0r 675-hour service requirement while learning practical skills and interacting directly with program beneficiaries;

  • Support partner campuses in tracking Fellow contributions and outcomes.

College and university partners identify their own Community Partners for their College Fellows during the Planning Phase. If you would like to explore a future collaboration with one of our partner campuses, contact the Campus Coordinator at that College or University. Community Partners are selected based on alignment with program design and regional priorities.